Dental implants Offer a Long-Term & Effective Solution To a Toothless Smile

Dental implants Offer a Long-Term & Effective Solution To a Toothless Smile

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a tiny metal screw that is surgical embedded into the jawbone to mimic a tooth’s natural root. Over the course of a few dental implantsmonths, the surrounding bones and tissues will begin to grow and fuse around the metal post to provide a strong, permanent foundation. Once this healing process is complete, we will fabricate a natural-looking dental crown, which will go over the implant to create a perfect smile.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

The most obvious benefit is that you won’t have a gap in your smile anymore. Dental implants can replace one, several or all of your teeth. However, these implants boast countless dental benefits:
  • Dental implants can’t get decay.
  • Dental implants have been replacing missing teeth for over 50 years, so it’s proven effective.
  • The outcome is more permanent and predictable than bridgework and other tooth replacement options.
  • Implants make it exponentially easier to speak and chew food (no more worrying about dentures slipping around).
  • Implants preserve the natural tooth’s tissue.
  • Implants will also prevent bone lose and deterioration.
  • Implants last much longer than other types of dental restorations.
  • A complete smile will boost your appearance and increase confidence.
The advantages of implants are endless! If you’ve been suffering from low self-esteem due to a toothless smile, then dental implants could finally restore your confidence. Stop cancelling social gatherings and stop feeling stressed out about mealtime. Promote National Recovery Month by giving yourself the smile you deserve. Your physical and mental health will thank you. Call us today to set up a dental implant consultation in Fayetteville.